
This software application gives power to your fingertips to understand each sale as it happens. Create notifications for each location or get general reporting for daily, weekly, or even monthly activities. Look at your business in all aspects, revenue gross/net/margin, units sold/exchanged or even gallons moved for a variety of data to make the best decisions. The data is live so all information on inventory and sales are current at time of review. Gaslite™ is a web-based platform giving you the accessibility through various devices no matter where you are. Gaslite™ is the dashboard solution to your vending fleet. 


This is the brain watching each location to not just give a one in one out reporting. Each vending location is a salesman working 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With that, Smarticus™ gives that vending location a brain to learn its location and understand its market trends. With this ability, Smarticus™ can inform decision makers to increase inventory levels per market demand or reduce inventory allowing for better allocation. Forecasting is no longer a request with someone making their best guestimate. With Smarticus™, each transaction is a learning opportunity while watching several variables to understand market trends for the most accurate reporting. These variables are reviewed continuously with more data being fed. Smarticus™ will also conduct route guidance to ensure efficiency for each driver to deliver the maximized profits for your business. Smarticus™ is the Artificial Intelligence component of Gaslite™.



ModLoK™ gives versatility to vendors and retailers by allowing vending to handle the retail sale of propane. ModLoK™ is a scalable product that allows for growth in newly entered markets. By implementing ModLoK™, power is given back to both retailers and vendors by automating the sale. Retailers are now able to focus their staff on more pertinent needs while vendors gain the advantage to understand live inventory flow and route management.


Commercial Consignment

Commercial management is a primary focus for many vendors. Being able to ensure your customers have the right amount on hand with accurate billing is essential for a great partnership. We provide a solution that does not allow for human error. Billing can be setup to manage weekly or monthly needs without any discrepancies. No matter supporting warehouses with forklifts or restaurants with heaters our solutions can be tailored to your customer needs.

Commercial Retail

What we define as commercial retail is the customer who struggles to pay on time. With this becoming more relevant, it is the tough way to handle your business while still providing a solution to your customer. By setting up our vending machine in a “pay per use” manner, the customer gets charged immediately prior to any locker opening. This ensures two things; vendor gets paid and customer has what they need when they need it.


Smart Propane Solutions support is not an add on item. You get it as part of our package offering. This ensures all machines are functioning and issues are identified before they become a problem. You have bigger things to worry about compared to a machine going down or a locker being finicky.


Our mission within the service is to have none, an impossible goal but a great one. We start with quality control at the beginning of manufacturing and see it through to proper implementation. From here we run through a series of tests to ensure all lockers are functional and any issues are resolved. This dedication ensures product life and if something happens, we respond quickly to ensure up time.

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